Title: | General Linear Ballistic Accumulator Models |
Description: | Analyses response times and accuracies from psychological experiments with the linear ballistic accumulator (LBA) model from Brown and Heathcote (2008). The LBA model is optionally fitted with explanatory variables on the parameters such as the drift rate, the boundary and the starting point parameters. A log-link function on the linear predictors can be used to ensure that parameters remain positive when needed. |
Authors: | Ingmar Visser |
Maintainer: | Ingmar Visser <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL |
Version: | 0.2.1 |
Built: | 2025-02-16 04:30:20 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/glba |
Fit LBA models with explanatory variables on the parameters.
Package: | glba |
Type: | Package |
Version: | 0.2 |
Date: | 2015-02-11 |
License: | GPL |
See ?lba for examples.
Ingmar Visser (with functions adapted from Brown, Heathcote and Donkin). Maintainer: Ingmar Visser <[email protected]>
Brown, S. D., and Heathcote, A. (2008). The simplest complete model of choice response time: linear ballistic accumulation. Cognitive psychology, 57(3), 153-178.
# To be added later
# To be added later
Example data from Brown and Heathcote (2008); response times and accuracies for three difficulty levels.
A data frame with 3000 observations on the following 3 variables.
response accuracy
response times
difficulty, a factor with levels easy
Example data from Brown and Heathcote, 2008.
Data from: http://www.newcl.org/members/chris/fitLBA.zip
Brown and Heathcote, Cognitive science, 2008
Brown and Heathcote, 2008
For internal use only.
Ingmar Visser adapted these functions, to make them fully vectorized in all relevant arguments. Original functions fptpdf, fptcdf and n1PDF are provided by Brown, Heathcote and Donkin and are retrieved from: http://www.newcl.org/members/chris/fitLBA.zip
Implicit learning data from Visser et al (2007); these data are from blocks 1-12 of participant 2 of Experiment 1.
A data frame with 12 blocks of 395 trials of a sequential response time task; observations on the following variables:
participant id
session number (1-2)
block number within session (1-6)
trial location (1-4)
answer location (1-4)
response time in seconds
accuracy (factor with levels 'cor'rect and 'inc'orrect
accuracy in binary format
block number continuous (1-12)
trial type; factor with levels 'seq'uential and 'ran'dom
Data from Visser et al (2007), Memory and Cognition.
Visser et al (2007), Memory and Cognition.
Visser et al (2007), Memory and Cognition.
Functions for specifying, printing and altering the submodels for each of the parameters.
Ingmar Visser
Specification of lba models with explanatory variables on the parameters. Models are fitted using full information maximum likelihood.
lba(rt, response, data, weights, sddr = ~1, sp = ~1, bound = ~1, nond = ~1, drift = ~1, scaling = "sum", loglink = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), sdstart=0.1, startpars, fixed = NULL, method = "L-BFGS-B", hessian = FALSE, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf, fit=TRUE, debug=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'lba' logLik(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'lba' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'lba' summary(object, ...) tablba(object)
lba(rt, response, data, weights, sddr = ~1, sp = ~1, bound = ~1, nond = ~1, drift = ~1, scaling = "sum", loglink = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), sdstart=0.1, startpars, fixed = NULL, method = "L-BFGS-B", hessian = FALSE, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf, fit=TRUE, debug=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'lba' logLik(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'lba' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'lba' summary(object, ...) tablba(object)
rt |
The name of the response time variable in data.frame 'data'. |
response |
The name of the response time variable in data.frame 'data'. |
data |
Data.frame containing the variables. |
weights |
Optional case weights. |
sddr |
The model for the standard deviation of the drift rate, see Details. |
sp |
The model for the start point parameter, see Details. |
bound |
The model for the boundary parameter, see Details. |
nond |
The model for the non-decision time, see Details. |
drift |
The model for the drift rate parameter, see Details. |
scaling |
Options for making the model identifiable; options are "sum" or "fixedSD". |
loglink |
Wheter parameters (sddr, sp, nond, and bound) should be fitted using a log link function (to avoid boundary estimation issues). |
sdstart |
Starting value of the standard deviation of the drift rates in case argument scaling uses option "fixedSD". |
startpars |
Vector of starting values for the parameters. This is currently a required argument as no automatic starting values are available. |
fixed |
Logical; when startpars is given 'fixed' can be used to specify whether parameters should remain fixed during estimation; sometimes required for more stable estimation. |
method |
Optimization method; passed to optim. |
hessian |
Logical; indicating whether the estimated hessian at the minimum; passed to optim. |
lower , upper
lower and upper boundaries for the parameters; only applicable with optimization method 'L-BFGS-B' is used. |
fit |
Logical; indicating whehter the model should be fit, ie, its parameters optimized or not. Default is TRUE. |
debug |
Logical, default is FALSE; prints out detailed information on submodels, parameters et cetera during optimization. |
object |
a (fitted) lba model. |
x |
a (fitted) lba model. |
... |
not currently in use. |
The 5 sub-models of the LBA model can be specified using a formula. Eg,
, specifies a model in which the nond
ecision time
is modeled as function of diff
iculty; diff
may be a factor or
numerical variable.
Identification of the model is attained by having the drift rates for
alternatives in response
sum to unity or by having a fixed standard
deviation of the drift rates. These options are specified by scaling="sum"
or scaling="fixedSD", respectively. In the latter case, the value of the
fixed standard deviation is assumed to be the first value of
If hessian
is set to TRUE, optim
is used to get the Hessian
at the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters. This is used in
turn to compute standard errors. The summary
function pretty prints
a table of parameter estimates, standard errors, z- and p-values. The
function also prints the separate sub-model specifications
and the parameter estimates. The print
function prints basic
information and a (named) vector of parameter estimates.
The lba
function returns a list with the following components:
pars |
The values of fitted parameters. |
logl |
The optimized log likelihood |
convergence |
Convergence information from |
hessian |
Only included if |
ses |
Only included if |
fixed |
Vector of logical's indicating whether parameters were fixed |
model |
List of 5 sub-models of the LBA model, see Details above. |
npar |
The number of parameters of the model |
freepars |
The number of freely estimated parameters of the model |
nobs |
The number of observations, used in computing the BIC |
call |
The (matched) call to the |
Function tablba
returns a data.frame
with columns:
value |
The estimated (or fixed) parameter value |
se |
The standard error of the parameter computed from the Hessian |
z |
The z-ratio of |
p |
The p-value associated with |
Ingmar Visser
LBA models as in Brown and Heathcote, Cognitive science, 2008.
data(bh08) # reduce the data set for faster runtimes bh1 <- bh08[c(1:300,1001:1300,2001:2300),] # remove extreme RTs bh1 <- bh1[bh1$rt>.180&bh1$rt<2,] # starting values based on the quantile parameter # estimates from Brown and Heathcote, 2008: # pars <- c(.25,.3,.1,.2,.9,.75,.6) # fit the model with starting values pars <- c(.25,.3,.1,.2,.9,.75,.6) m1 <- lba(rt=rt,response=acc,drift=~diff-1,data=bh1, startpars=pars) m1 summary(m1) ## Not run: # use random starting values instead set.seed(2) m1 <- lba(rt=rt,response=acc,drift=~diff-1,data=bh08, startpars=pars, hessian=TRUE) summary(m1) # get the parameters pp <- m1$pars # simulate some data from the model for the three conditions set.seed(1) dt1 <- rlba(1000, b=pp[3]+pp[2], A=pp[2], vs=c(pp[5],1-pp[5]), s=pp[1], t0=pp[4], truncdrifts=TRUE) dt2 <- rlba(1000, b=pp[3]+pp[2], A=pp[2], vs=c(pp[6],1-pp[6]), s=pp[1], t0=pp[4], truncdrifts=TRUE) dt3 <- rlba(1000, b=pp[3]+pp[2], A=pp[2], vs=c(pp[7],1-pp[7]), s=pp[1], t0=pp[4], truncdrifts=TRUE) dt <- rbind(dt1,dt2,dt3) dt$diff <- gl(3,1000) dt$resp <- ifelse(dt$resp==2,0,1) # remove extreme RTs dt <- dt[dt$rt>.180&dt$rt<2,] # refit the model with the simualted data m1rf <- lba(rt=rt,response=resp,drift=~diff-1,data=dt,startpars=pp) data(numpp1) set.seed(9) m2 <- lba(rt=rt,response=acc,drift=~diff+block,data=numpp1, startpars=c(0.25,runif(4),0,0), scaling="fixedSD", sdstart=0.25, hessian=TRUE) tablba(m2) ## End(Not run)
data(bh08) # reduce the data set for faster runtimes bh1 <- bh08[c(1:300,1001:1300,2001:2300),] # remove extreme RTs bh1 <- bh1[bh1$rt>.180&bh1$rt<2,] # starting values based on the quantile parameter # estimates from Brown and Heathcote, 2008: # pars <- c(.25,.3,.1,.2,.9,.75,.6) # fit the model with starting values pars <- c(.25,.3,.1,.2,.9,.75,.6) m1 <- lba(rt=rt,response=acc,drift=~diff-1,data=bh1, startpars=pars) m1 summary(m1) ## Not run: # use random starting values instead set.seed(2) m1 <- lba(rt=rt,response=acc,drift=~diff-1,data=bh08, startpars=pars, hessian=TRUE) summary(m1) # get the parameters pp <- m1$pars # simulate some data from the model for the three conditions set.seed(1) dt1 <- rlba(1000, b=pp[3]+pp[2], A=pp[2], vs=c(pp[5],1-pp[5]), s=pp[1], t0=pp[4], truncdrifts=TRUE) dt2 <- rlba(1000, b=pp[3]+pp[2], A=pp[2], vs=c(pp[6],1-pp[6]), s=pp[1], t0=pp[4], truncdrifts=TRUE) dt3 <- rlba(1000, b=pp[3]+pp[2], A=pp[2], vs=c(pp[7],1-pp[7]), s=pp[1], t0=pp[4], truncdrifts=TRUE) dt <- rbind(dt1,dt2,dt3) dt$diff <- gl(3,1000) dt$resp <- ifelse(dt$resp==2,0,1) # remove extreme RTs dt <- dt[dt$rt>.180&dt$rt<2,] # refit the model with the simualted data m1rf <- lba(rt=rt,response=resp,drift=~diff-1,data=dt,startpars=pp) data(numpp1) set.seed(9) m2 <- lba(rt=rt,response=acc,drift=~diff+block,data=numpp1, startpars=c(0.25,runif(4),0,0), scaling="fixedSD", sdstart=0.25, hessian=TRUE) tablba(m2) ## End(Not run)
Example data from a numerosity task. Participant is required to categorize a display of randomly placed dots into 'few' or 'many'.
A data frame with 186 observations on the following 10 variables. Extreme data are removed.
file name of the stimulus
trial number
accuracy in binary format
response time in seconds
required response; factor with levels 'few' and 'many'
block number (1-5)
number of dots in the display
absolute value of 'dots'-50
dichotomized version of 'diff'
participant id
Example data from a numerosity task.
Unpublished data.
Unpublished data.
Generate data from an LBA model.
rlba(n, b, A, vs, s, t0, st0 = 0, truncdrifts = TRUE)
rlba(n, b, A, vs, s, t0, st0 = 0, truncdrifts = TRUE)
n |
The number of random variates required. |
b |
The boundary parameter. |
A |
The start point parameter. |
vs |
The drift rates for each of the accumulators. |
s |
The standard deviation of the drift rates. |
t0 |
The non-decision time. |
st0 |
Variability of the non-decision time, uniformly distributed as t0+U(0,st0). |
truncdrifts |
Logical; whether drifts that are generated should be truncated at zero. Negative RTs may result when set to FALSE. |
No more details.
A data.frame with two variables, 'rt' and 'resp', for the response time and the response, respectively.
Ingmar Visser, function adapted from Brown and Heathcote.
Function adapted from Brown and Heathcote.
# to be added later
# to be added later